Circle President : - Sukhtej Singh, Assistant Supdt Posts, Amritsar Sub Division, Amritsar 9463004921;

Circle Secretary :- Vikas Sharma, Assistant Supdt Posts, Ropar Sub Division, Ropar 9417226661;

Circle Treasurer :- Gaurav Nagi, Inspector Post (PMU) Punjab Circle Chandigarh (M) 09876581559

Friday, December 31, 2010


The induction training for 2009 batch Insepctor Posts will be commenced from 07-02-2011 to 07-05-2011 for a period of thirteen weeks at a stretch. The field training for one week is to be conducted by concerned circle after institutional training. The candidates will have to report at PTC Saharanpur on 06-02-2011. Four seats have been allotted to Punjab Circle. Following candidates are in waiting.
  1. Sh. Rajesh Sethi of Ludhiana
  2. Ms Neetu of Ludhiana
  3. Sh.Tajinder Pal Singh of Ludhiana
  4. Sh.Alok Kumar of Ludhiana

Thursday, December 30, 2010


No. AIAIPASP/CWC/2010 Dated 30.12 .2010

Under the provisions of article 30 of the Constitution of All India Association of Inspectors and Asst. Superintendents Posts, it is hereby notified that a meeting of the Circle Working Committee of the Association will be held on Sunday, the 30th January 2011 at 11.00 hrs in the Head Post Office building Amritsar.

The agenda for the meeting are as under:
1. Confirmation of the proceedings of the last CWC.
2. IPs Grade Pay issue.
3. Restructuring of IP cadre
4. Postmaster Cadre Issue.
5. Review of internal activities of the Circle Branch Association.
6. Chalking out agitational programme in view of CHQ decision to do so.
7. Any other item with permission of the Chair

All office-bearers and CWC members of the Association are requested to attend the said meeting in time. Members of AIAIASP who are neither office-bearers nor CWC members but willing to join the CWC meeting (without the provision of special CL) are also welcome to attend the CWC meeting as invitees. All such members are requested to inform Sh. Vikas Sharma IP Amritsar or Sh. Nitish Kumar Manager NSPC Amritsar so that proper arrangement to avoid last time rush could be ensured.
(Hari Mohan)
Circle Secretary
Copy to:

1. The Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh for kind information. Necessary orders may kindly be issued to all concerned for grant of special casual leave to office bearers and CWC members as per the enclosed list.
2. Sri Roop Chand, General Secretary, All India Association of Inspectors & ASPs, CHQ, New Delhi for kind information.
3. Sh. S.K Sharma President of the Association.
4. All office-bearers and CWC members.
5.Sr.Supdt. of Post Offices Amritsar Dn. Amritsar for information.
5.The Sr. Postmaster, Amritsar  for kind information. He is requested to spare the accommodation in the HPO building for CWC meeting on 30.01.2011

Friday, December 24, 2010


Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Director General
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi 110001

No.CHQ/IPASP/SCPC dated 23-12-2010
Sub: Protest against the indifferent attitude of the Department towards upgradation of Grade Pay from Rs 4200/- to Rs 4600/- for Inspector, Posts.
Ref:- Postal Directorate No. 4-12/2009-PCC dated 22-03-2010
Respected Madam,
The Central Working Committee meeting of the Association was held at Ambaji (Gujarat) on 16th and 17th December 2010. During the meeting, the CWC registered its concern towards to the inordinate delay in processing the demand of the Association for higher grade pay to IP on par with inspector cadre in other Central Government departments/ministries. While all other Departments/Ministries show positive action towards their inspectors, the DOP is alone showing a negative approach on our cadre. All Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts are very much aggrieved and frustrated due to the inaction and indifferent attitude of the Department of Posts towards this cadre
2. The department kept on telling the phrase “maintaining parity with other inspectorial cadre” whenever we demanded justified higher grade pay for IP & ASP. Now Inspectors and analogous cadres in other departments/ministries have been granted the higher grade pay of Rs 4600/- unilaterally after implementation of VI CPC. Such type of unilateral increase in pay scale was noticed in other departments/ministries in respect of their Inspectors after implementation of the past many CPCs. When we demand parity, the department in collusion with MOF is speaking entirely a different version. During discussion with DOP on this issue, we were informed that the cadre of ASP (Which is not in existence in other departments/ministries) is an impediment to implementing higher grade to IP. If that is the case, this Association is ready to go for merger of both the posts IP and ASP. The issue of merger of posts of IP and ASP with single Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- was discussed at a length during the course of General Body meeting in the All India Conference of the Association held at New Delhi on 03.04.2010 and 04.04.2010. The Association had come out with a proposal of merger of the posts IP and ASP and detailed discussions took place between the representatives of the Association and DDG (Estt.) on 05.04.2010. The department was convinced about the justified GP of Rs 4600/- on the merged post. Reminders were given to the DOP on 24-06-2010, 09-08-2010 & 07-09-2010 but no action has been taken by the Department till now and it has become the prime grievance of the Association. We also took up this issue in the agenda for periodical meeting on 27.08.2010 but DOP has not fixed date and time for holding of the same so far.
3. Association gave its proposal in writing for merger of the posts of Inspector, Posts & Assistant Superintendent, Posts and designating the merged posts as Inspector, Posts or Assistant Superintendent, Posts as may be decided by the Department but retaining the Gazetted status to the existing incumbents in Assistant Superintendent, Posts grade till their promotion / retirement.

4. If the DOP felt problem in merger of the posts IP and ASP, the CWC was agreed unanimously and came out with an alternative proposal of merger of the post ASP with PS Group B with a Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- with effect from 01.01.2006. As both the posts are Gazetted Group B & difference of Grade Pay is only Rs.200/-. This Association urges upon the DOP to consider merger of the post of ASP with the post of PS Group B with a Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- and in that case the senior will be holding the charge of Division/Office.

5. In case no positive action is forthcoming, the CWC of the Association after a detailed deliberations and discussions has come out with the following proposal: 
“It is unanimously resolved that the Department must meet out the above demand within one month time frame. The CWC with one voice decided that, if no decision is taken by the Department, the Association has no other option except to proceed on with a direct action (Trade Union action) after 31.01.2011. In such circumstances, the responsibility of any adverse effect on services will rest with the Department”
An early result oriented action is requested.

Yours sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary


Mrs. Ranju Prasad
Postmaster General
            Punjab Region,

Sub:     Revised pay fixation under rule 6 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay Rules, 2008)

Respected Sir,

  1. I intend to bring to your kind attention one of the areas, where justice is denied while fixing the pay of Inspectors promoted after 1-1-2006. 
  1. In this connection, attention is invited to Ministry of Finance as contained in OM No. 7/14/2010-E.III (A) dated 05.07.2010 which, interalia, provides that employee has the option of fixing their revised scale of pay on and or any date later than 01.01.2006 as beneficial to the individual. These instructions from Ministry of Finance says that if official opts to draw pre-revised pay until he earned his increment or subsequent increment, the pay of the official is to be revised from the later date and to be fixed under Rule 11 (i) of CCS (RP) Rules 2008.
  1. In Punjab Circle IPs of 2006 batch have accordingly opted for the revised pay from the date later than 01.01.2006 by foregoing the arrears of difference of revised pay from 01.01.2006 to the date of fixation. As per decision of GOI, the employees have the option even to revise their initial option upto 31.12.2010. Since the effected official of Punjab Region were drawing the pay scale of Rs.5500-175-9000 on the date with basic pay as Rs.5500/- without earning any increment in the old scale official so they all opted to remain in the old scale as on 1.1.2006 and get fixation from the date beneficial to them. But unfortunately accounts line officers of Punjab circle are not adhering to these instructions resulting in peculiar and recurring loss to beneficiary.
  1. Whereas, other circles like UP has also fixed the pay of similar category of posts after taking the option of the official to get their pay fixed at the later date than 01.01.2006 taking into consideration that they were having basic pay of Rs.5500/- on the day of option.
  1. In this context, I would like to quote the example of Sh. Satinder Singh SDI Patti who as per Ministry of Finance instructions has exercised his option under the above provisions. Accordingly his pay should be fixed as 5500 X 1.86 = 10230 + 4200 = 14430 as on 16.01.2006 but instead his pay has been fixed at Rs. 9300+4200(G.P) =13500/- i.e at the minimum of pay band. 
  1. In view of above, it is requested that his case may be got examined afresh and instructions may please be issued to concerned office to fix the pay of Inspector Post Cadre as per new instruction as contained in MOF OM No. 7/14/2010-E.III (A) dated 05.07.2010.
                        With Regards
Yours Sincerely,
(Hari Mohan)

Thursday, December 23, 2010



Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Director General
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001

Sub: Introduction of Postmaster Cadre in Postal Wing.
Ref: Postal Directorate No. 4-17/2008-SPB-II dated 22nd November, 2010
Respected Madam,
The Department has issued the above notification introducing Postmaster cadre in Postal Wing. At the outset, we wish to place on record that we are not against to the introduction of Postmaster’s cadre but seek certain clarifications in the interest of our cadre and Department. The following are the few points which require immediate kind attention of the Department.It is perceived from the said notification that posts for different categories in the hierarchy are to be carved out only from the General Line posts and as such IP Line cadre should not have any cascading effect.
1. In view of para 5(VI) & 5(VII) of said notification, it is understood that all 116 posts of Sr. Postmaster grade presently held by IP Line officials are to be filled partly from HSG-I (General Line) and partly from IP Line officials. The officials in PS Gr. “B” & Sr. Postmaster grade would be eligible for induction in IPoS, Group “A” on the basis of a consolidated eligibility list. Both these paras of the notification are in gross violation of equality provided under Article 14 and 21 of the Constitution as different parameters have been adopted for promotion to Sr. Postmaster from HSG-I which is on the basis of promotion on the one side and IP Line which is through LDCE on the other side.
2. Furthermore, the demand of other trade unions to fill up 100% posts of Sr. Postmasters and Chief Postmasters only from officials of Postmaster cadre (HSG I General Line) is baseless and hence categorically refuted.
3. This Association would like to recall that hitherto also there were two separate cadres i.e., Postmaster Group B and Postal Superintendent Group B which were merged to form composite cadre called PSS Group “B”. Due to unification of two cadres, the General Line officials were allowed to share 6% of the total posts worked out after merger. In this regard, Gazette notification was issued codifying the recruitment rules and subsequently LDCE was introduced for 25% of the vacancies out of which General Line officials still enjoying the share of 6%.
4. Apparently the new proposal is only attempt to revive old pattern viz. Postmaster Group B and Postal Superintendent Group ‘B’ as two independent cadres. This whole process of notifying the introduction of separate cadre of Postmaster has been done by the Department without consulting our Association. Resultantly, there is resentment and confusion in the Inspector, Posts cadre which is otherwise also directly or indirectly affecting the efficiency of the Department.
5. Now, since Directorate has issued notification so it would be only fit and proper if no further share from 649 posts presently held for promotion by non selection against 75% quota is allowed. However, Department may fill up 75% Sr. Postmaster posts from 165 (19% of total 866 PSS Group "B") posts presently allotted for promotion by LDCE for IPs and 25% of 52 (6% of 866) posts presently kept reserved for promotion for General Line officials. In this event, even Department will not have to call for options from IP Line officials working in PS Group "B" cadre and they can be easily adjusted and posted as Sr. Postmaster on 116 posts for which Department is also very much inclined.
6. 25% of vacancies in Senor Postmaster grade have been earmarked for HSG I (General Line) officials through promotion. Hence, recruitment rules of PS Group B cadre may be modified and provision may be made in the recruitment rules of PS Group B that 6% of total posts to be filled on the basis of same Departmental examination from General Line officials with 5 years regular service in LSG and above shall be reduced to the extent of number of posts occupied by the General Line officials in Senior Postmaster grade in Postmaster cadre.
7. In some Circles, Chief PMsG have identified posts of HSG I of IP Line for Postmaster Grade III which is in violation of the instructions contained in notification ibid. For the present 141 posts of HSG I Postmasters are earmarked for the IP Line officials which are part of promotional avenue for the Inspector, Posts. Order issued by the Department on formulation of Postmaster cadre is silent on the issue as to how these 141 posts will be retained for IP Line. The Association urges the Department to consider this issue and issue orders immediately that these 141 posts of IP Line remain in subordinate capacity in HSG I for IP Line officials.
8. It will be in the betterment of things if a meeting is arranged to discuss the issues concerning Inspector, Posts cadre. Until and unless this is done, the effects will lead to confusion resulting in resentment, frustration in the already depressed and ignored Inspector, Posts cadre.

Yours Sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Central Working Committee of IPASP Association was held at Ambaji (Gujrat) on 16/17-12-2010 in a very cordial atmosphere leaving aside some heated arguments. Meeting was well attended as per our expectation. General Secretary has acknowledged all the members of the association who have dedicated themselves to improve the strength and progress of IP cadre and took oath to represent our voice. All Circle Secretaries have posed faith to provide professional advice, support whenever and wherever it becomes necessary. It was agreed that difficulties arises often without notice and we should be ready to face these without accusing others, complaint, egoism and adopting bad practices. In the end the voice of the members symbolized strongly. Following important IPASP issues were discussed in detail:
  1. IP Grade Pay parity case: GS has informed to the house that file is still pending in the Estt. branch of the Postal Directorate. Not satisfied with the averment of the GS, all CS desired to know the efforts made by the association to get the file cleared. It was informed to the house that GS has personally obtained recruitment rules of Income Tax officers and will be supplied to the department to clear the objection in the file. Sh. Ravi. S ex- treasurer of our association will provide all help to get the file cleared. House informed the GS that we can not remain inactive to see the indifferent attitude of the officers in directorate so we should think of some strong trade union action. On this and after taking into confidence all the members of the association, a memorandum was drafted for submission to DG Post to attend our demands within a time frame otherwise association will resort to trade union action. (Copy of memorandum will be published on central blog once it is handed over to DG Post by our GS.). It was also agreed to provide full support to CAT case filed by Sh. Permanand. Now since the case is at advance stage so association can not be party to it. However after final outcome of CAT case, the association will ensure that decision is implemented early. Any move of the MOF to file SLP or any other hindrance will be looked into by the association and we will move an application if required to be a party to the case. So be prepared for trade union action that can be mass casual leave followed by DHARNA, non cooperation movement, strike etc.
  2. Postmaster cadre issue: As you all are aware that while implementing decision even concerning IPASP, our association is not being taken into confidence resulting in resentment in the cadre. Para 5(VI) &5(VII) of notification issued by Dte. introducing Postmaster cadre in the postal wing is gross violation of equality, article 14 and 21 of the constitution as different parameter has been adopted for promotion to Sr. Postmaster from HSG-I on the one side and IP on the other side. Thus this case is challenge-able in the court of law. Before doing so a representation will be issued to DG (Post) apprising about the pros and cons of the notification. The demand of other trade unions to fill up 100% post of Sr. Postmaster and Chief Postmasters only from official of Postmaster cadre will also be categorically refuted. We are going to ask our directorate that there should not be any effect on the promotion of IPASP against 75% quota presently held by IP line officials and we will not allow any share from 649 posts for promotion by non-selection. However, department may fill up 75% Sr. Postmaster posts from 165 (19% of total 866 PSS Group"B")  post presently allotted for promotion by LDCE for IPs and 25% of 52 (6% of 866) post presently kept reserved for promotion for clerical line officials. In this event even department will not have to  call for options from IP or HSG-I line officials because already pass out working PSS Group "B" officers can be easily adjusted and posted as Sr. Postmaster on 116 important and prestigious posts for which department is also very much inclined. The letter for Directorate will be drafted by CS Punjab and will be send to our GS for submission to  Directorate.
  3. Other issues viz restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre, revision in rate of honorarium for invigilator duty, MACP scheme, allotment of surplus qualified IP candidates, regular promotion to PS Group B were also discussed in details. The members will be updated on these issues as and when taken up with Directorate.Thanks for your cooperation and motivation.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Chief PMG Punjab Circle has issued following promotion/ posting orders in PSS Group"B" on regular basis in pay band of PB-2 with grade pay of Rs.4800/-for the ASPs promoted vide DG Posts, New Delhi letter No. 9-35/2010-SGP dated 24-11-2010
  1. Sh. K.S.Behar Officiating SRM"I" Dn Jalandhar, posted on the same post
  2. Sh Jaspal Singh officiating AD(BD) C.O Chandigarh, posted on the same post
  3. Sh. Kamlesh Rani Officiating SPOs Ferozepur has been posted on the same post
  4. Sh. Ram Khilari Meena ASP Dn. Gurdaspur, posted as Sr. Postmaster Jalandhar
  5. Sh. P.C.Paul Manager NSPC Chandigarh, posted as Sr. Postmaster Ludhiana
  • Sh. G.C.Goyal Sr. Postmaster Jalandhar &
  • Sh Gajanand Jogi Sr. Postmaster Ludhiana has been repatriated to Rajasthan circle
Sh Sunil Kumar & presently working as ASP(MM) Circle office has been transferred and posted as Manager NSPC Chandigarh on one of the prestigious post.

Monday, December 6, 2010


DOP vide letter no. 23-1/2008-PAP dated 2-12-2010 has issued orders for revision of Fixed Stationary Charges for IP/ASP holding independent charge of sub division, Post office & Savings Bank Control Organization under Rule 341-A of Postal Manual Vol II.Orders are effective from 1.12.2010

For details please visit

Thursday, December 2, 2010