Circle President : - Sukhtej Singh, Assistant Supdt Posts, Amritsar Sub Division, Amritsar 9463004921;

Circle Secretary :- Vikas Sharma, Assistant Supdt Posts, Ropar Sub Division, Ropar 9417226661;

Circle Treasurer :- Gaurav Nagi, Inspector Post (PMU) Punjab Circle Chandigarh (M) 09876581559

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ms. Sukhvinder Kaur succeeded Ms. Ranju Prasad PMG Punjab West Region, Ms Manisha Bansal succeeded Mr Nirmaljit Singh, DPS (HQ) Punjab Circle.

Transfer/posting orders issued vide no. 1-6/2014-SPG dated 26.02.2014 in SAG cadre.
Ms. Ranju Prasad IPoS 1988 transferred to PMG Western Region, Rajasthan Circle, Jodhpur while Ms. Sukhvinder Kaur, IPoS 1991 posted as PMG Punjab West Region, Chandigarh.
And also in JAG cadre vide no. 2-2/2014-SPG dated 26.02.2014.
Mr. Nirmaljit Singh IPoS 1997 transferred to DPS (HQ) J & K Circle, Jammu
Ms Manisha Bansal IPoS 1999 posted as DPS (HQ) Punjab Circle, Chandigarh.
Association wishes officers for success at new place of posting also and at the same time welcomes both Ma'ms in Punjab Circle. Both the officers had experience of Punjab Circle at their back hand..

Saturday, February 22, 2014


  • Best wishes and Congratulations to Monika Batta, Inspector Posts, RMS LD Division on her marriage. Association wishes newly wed couple for their new married life ahead. 
  • Best wishes and Congratulations to Neetu, Inspector Posts, Ludhiana (M) Division on her marriage. Association wishes newly wed couple for their new married life ahead.
  • Many Congratulations and best wishes to Sunil, Inspector Posts, Patiala Division on his marriage. Association wishes all the comrades and many many many blessings for rest of life.  

Saturday, February 15, 2014

RRs of PS Group B delayed due to want of creation memos.... Appeal of GS to all the members.

Dear Members,

Department has created Postmaster Cadre vide memo No. 4-17/2008-SPB.II dated 22/11/2010, and 116 PS Gr. B Posts were carved for Senior Postmaster Cadre and framed RRs for Senior Postmaster Cadre vide memo No. 137-03/2009-SPB.II dated 9/9/2010.
This Association have severally requested Directorate to issue revised Recruitment Rules for PS Gr. B cadre to correct the anomaly of fixation of quota for PS Gr. B from IP Line Officials and General Line Officials by providing 97% vacancies to PS Gr. B from IP Line and 3% by promotion of HSG-I officials from General Line through a LDCE. But till this date neither Recruitment Rules of PS Gr. B cadre revised nor share of General Line officials reduced from PS Gr. B examination.
Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh Bench (In OA 1328/HP/2011 & 135/HP/2011) also directed Department to submit the progress made in revision of Recruitment Rules of PS Gr. B cadre. On the request of Learned Counsel on behalf of Department, matter has now been posted to 05.03.2014 for submission of progress report.
This issue was also discussed at length in subject committee meeting held during AIC Ahmedabad. General Secretary explained the present position in detailed and requested to all delegates, visitors and Circle Secretaries who attended AIC to search/find out creation memos of PS Gr. B cadre since 1993 at their Divisional Office / Regional Office and Circle Office, as 56 creation memos of PS Gr. B posts are not readily available at Directorate and Nodal Ministry has demanded these for extending approval for amendment of Recruitment Rules of PS Gr. B cadre. Actually 76 PS Gr. B cadre posts were created during 1993 to 1996 by downgrading some JTS/STS posts and out of these, 20 posts creation memos are available at Directorate.
It is once again requested to each and every member of this Association to examine the establishment register at their office (i.e.DO/RO/CO/Fgn Post/CSD/RSD/PSD) within 2 to 3 days and intimate the details of PS Gr. B post created in their unit/office since 1993 to General Secretary by email. This is very very important issue for our cadre.

Yours sincerely,

(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary

Sr Postmaster CAT Case --- updates.

On 14.02.2014, the Department failed to place on record of Hon'ble CAT Bench Chandigarh the progress report of revision in Recruitment Rules of PS Group 'B' cadre. On the request of Learned Counsel on behalf of Department, matter has now been posted to 05.03.2014 for submission of progress report. 

AIC Ahmedabad ---- Gist

The 38th All India Biennial conference of the Association was held at Ahmedabad on 7th and 8th February, 2014 in a befitting manner. The pre-conference working committee was held at Hotel Royal Orchid on 7th morning wherein the minutes, annual report and audited accounts were unanimously approved by the House without any modification.
The CWC was followed by the subject committee wherein detailed deliberations and discussions on the various items of agenda took place. The gist of the main items discussed and decision is furnished below for information of all members:

(i)7th CPC- It was decided by the House to give a detailed memorandum to the members of the newly constituted 7thCPC with the aid of power point presentations. Considering the importance of the matter, a Committee was constituted for this purpose with GS as Chairman. Other members are as follows:
Shri T. M. Krishnaswamy : Kerala
Shri Balbir Singh Kaushal : Punjab
Shri Manjunath Hubballi : Karnataka
Shri P. Ajit Kumar : Postal Directorate
Shri Roop Chand : Delhi
Shri Pitabasa Jena : Odisha

The Committee was invited to Kolkata by the Circle Secretary, West Bengal Circle for sitting together and drafting the memorandum. It was also decided to utilitize the services of retired officers and experts in the field for this purpose.

(ii)GP case at CAT Ernakulam- It was decided to file rejoinder to the reply filed by the department immediately and make all efforts for getting a favourable judgment yet again which would be of immense help in convincing the 7th CPC members about the genuineness of the matter.

(iii)Merger proposal of ASP with Group B- The House gave unanimous support to the proposal and decided to pursue the matter in full vigor. It was decided to keep ready answers to the probable queries likely to be raised by Department of Personnel and also MOF. Sri P. Ajit Kumar, AGS-I was entrusted to pursue the matter at Directorate.

(iv)Cadre restructuring and reorganization of Sub Divisions - Two meetings were already held in this matter with officers of Directorate. It was decided to press for expediting the matter at the Directorate.

(v) Regular promotions to PS Group B - DPCs are now being held promptly due to the timely intervention of the Association. AIC decided to press for supplementary DPC without much delay. It was requested by the GS to all Circle Secretaries and every member to ensure timely submission of CRs/APARs (fully updated) of officers who are in the zone of promotion to Directorate which can reduce delay.

(vi) LDCE for promotion to the cadre of PS Group B & Sr. PM – Four cases are now pending on this subject in various CATs. Revise / amendment of the Group ‘B’ / Sr.PM recruitment rules is on the anvil after which examinations will be conducted.

(vii) Rule 38 transfer of surplus IPs - After the dropping of the scheme, Chief PMGs can mutually decide about the transfer as per Directorate orders. In cases where transfers are not materializing, CHQ will intervene and take up the case individually with Secretary (P).

(viii) Mandatory service in RMS for promotion to ASP - The orders were found impractical to implement due to the shortage of IP posts in the RMS side- The house unanimously passed a resolution urging Secretary(P) to withdraw the said irrational order immediately. GS directed to all Circle Secretaries to ensure the submission of data called for by Directorate at the earliest.

(ix)DPC for promotion to Dy. Manager, MMS - DPC was held recently due to the intervention of the CHQ. However, recent orders have been issued downgrading 4 posts of Managers as Dy. Managers in the four cities against which the House passed a resolution.

(x)Honorarium to IO/PO for Rule 14 cases- It was pointed out by the members that orders issued enhancing the rate of honorarium has not become operational due to the ceiling on annual payment of honorarium. The AIC passed a resolution requesting Secretary (P) to cause necessary action for enhancing the limit and also to extend the revision to Rule 10 cases of GDS also.

(xi)Combined Seniority list of Inspector Posts - The house passed a resolution urging Secretary (P) to cause n/a to publish the seniority list till 31.12.2013 immediately. GS told that seniority list for the year 1998, 1999 and 2000 is at final stage of circulation.

(xii)PSI activities – Shri Manjunath Hubbballi CS Karnataka explained the activities held during the period. The House noted the importance of associating with the global organization like PSI and decided to extend the association with PSI in other Circles also.
A Resolution Committee was constituted under the Chairman ship of Circle Secretary Kerala. The following members associated him to prepare resolution as the members of the Committee:
Ajith Kurian(Chairman) - Kerala
Newton Balakrishnan - Tamil Nadu
Manjunath Hubballi - Karnataka
Pitabasa Jena - Odisha
Hira Lal - Haryana

A total of 9 resolutions were unanimously passed by the House and forwarded to Secretary (P) for immediate intervention and necessary action.

All the Circle Secretaries unanimously selected the new office bearers for the next term. Sri Vilas Ingale (Maharashtra) was re-elected as the new GS for the second term in succession. Shri Amrendra Kumar (Bihar) is the new President. Detailed list have already been made available on the CHQ blog for ready reference.

Open Session was held on 8th morning with PMG(BD), Gujarat Circle, Sri Ambesh Upmanu as the Chief Guest wherein special invitees viz. Shri Janardhan Sharma Ex-GS, Shri S. Samuel-EX GS, Shri Hari Mohan Ex-CS Punjab and Shri Mukund Badwe EX-OGS CHQ and CS PAO Maharashtra were facilitated.

It was decided to conduct the next AIC at Rajasthan with UP Circle as standby and the next CWC at Kerala with AP as standby.
The 38th Biennial Conference came to an end at about 6.00 PM on 8.2.14.

All the members expressed gratitude to Shri Vinod Shah, Circle Secretary Gujarat Circle and his team for having come forward to host the AIC at short notice and for having conducted the same in a befitting manner.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Result of IP Examination 2013.

AIAIASP Punjab Circle congratulates all the meritorious persons and welcome to the comrade faternity. First two aspirants have only made through. Best of luck next time for the rest.
1271070004  PARWINDER SINGH GEN Punjab 214 280 248 218 960  Qualified
1271500028  RAJESH GEN Punjab 236 280 254 186 956  Qualified
1271500013  MADHU BALA GEN Punjab 238 258 228 188 912  Qualified
1271500006  GAURAV SHARMA GEN Punjab 226 238 204 226 894  Qualified
1271720001  HARPREET SINGH GEN Punjab 254 268 218 146 886  Qualified
1271500036  RATTAN SINGH SC Punjab 206 258 254 164 882  Qualified
1271500015  M*NDEEP KUMAR NARANG GEN Punjab 214 246 192 208 860  Qualified
1271720002  KARAMJIT SINGH GEN Punjab 240 252 216 150 858  Qualified
1271500040  SANJAY KUMAR GEN Punjab 198 230 210 214 852  Qualified
1271120007  VIKAS ARORA GEN Punjab 228 246 216 150 840  Qualified
1271500008  GURVINDER SINGH GEN Punjab 232 248 202 154 836  Qualified
1271500029  RAJESH KUMAR SHARMA GEN Punjab 224 240 196 164 824  Qualified
1271500016  MANDEEP SINGH GEN Punjab 198 244 190 190 822  Qualified
1271680001  MOHAMMAD KHURSHID GEN Punjab 176 252 218 168 814  Qualified
1271070002  DEEPAK KUMAR GEN Punjab 180 240 198 184 802  Qualified
1271500002  ASHWANI KUMAR GEN Punjab 190 214 188 186 778  Qualified
1271500007  GEETU SETHI GEN Punjab 180 212 172 202 766  Qualified
1271500027  PUNEET GOYAL GEN Punjab 180 190 188 202 760  Qualified
1271500054  VINEY KUMAR RANDEV GEN Punjab 190 218 162 184 754  Qualified
1271500026  POOJA GEN Punjab 182 234 184 152 752  Qualified
1271210001  HARWANT SINGH SC Punjab 180 210 186 168 744  Qualified
1271500031  RAM KUMAR GUPTA GEN Punjab 160 196 204 158 718  Qualified
1271500020  MANRAJ SINGH GEN Punjab 192 208 154 140 694  Qualified
1271070001  BHUPINDER PAL SINGH GEN Punjab 180 176 172 156 684  Qualified
1271120002  DASHMESH SINGH SC Punjab 178 210 154 134 676  Qualified
1271500001  AMANPREET KAUR GEN Punjab 152 150 152 206 660  Qualified
1271500021  NARESH KUMAR GEN Punjab 148 188 138 168 642  Qualified
1271500017  MANINDER SINGH GEN Punjab 164 180 132 152 628  Qualified
1271530001  HARJINDER SINGH GEN Punjab 180 186 132 128 626  Qualified
1271120005  PAWANDEEP KUMAR GEN Punjab 164 154 134 168 620  Qualified
1271500022  NARINDER KUMAR GEN Punjab 148 152 130 176 606  Qualified
1271500012  LATA LOOMBA GEN Punjab 146 196 130 122 594  Qualified
1271500055  VIPAN KUMAR SC Punjab 158 154 124 146 582  Qualified
1271500037  RAVI KANT SC Punjab 150 150 106 142 548  Qualified
1271500010  JYOTI SC Punjab 112 116 120 172 520   Qualified

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Punjab Region shall now be called as 'PUNJAB WEST REGION'.

Directorate vide OM No. 43-53/2013-PE-II dated 31.01.2014 change the name of PUNJAB REGION in Punjab Circle as 'PUNJAB WEST REGION'  with HQs at Chandigarh with immediate effect.

Recovery of wrong ful / excess payment from Govt servant

F.No.18/26/2011-Estt (Pay-I)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pension
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 6th February, 2014
Subject: Recovery of wrongful/excess payments made to Government servants.
The undersigned is directed to say that the issue of recovery of wrongful/excess payments made to Government servants has been examined in consultation with the Department of Expenditure and the Department of Legal Affairs in the light of the recent judgement of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Chandi Prasad Uniyal And On vs State Of Uttarakhand And Ors, 2012 AIR SCW 4742, (2012) 8 ‘SCC 417, decided on 17th August, 2012. The Hon’ble Court has observed as under:
15. We are not convinced that this Court in various judgments referred to hereinbefore has laid down any proposition of law that only if the State or its officials establish that there was misrepresentation or fraud on the part of the recipients of the excess pay, then only the amount paid could be recovered. On the other hand, most of the cases referred to hereinbefore turned on the peculiar facts and circumstances of those cases either because the recipients had retired or on the verge of retirement or were occupying lower posts in the administrative hierarchy.  
16. We are concerned with the excess payment of public money which is often described as "tax payers money" which belongs neither to the officers who have effected over-payment nor that of the recipients. We fail to see why the concept of fraud or misrepresentation is being brought in such situations. Question to be asked is whether excess money has been paid or not may be due to a bona fide mistake. Possibly, effecting excess payment of public money by Government officers may be due to various reasons like negligence, carelessness, collusion, favouritism etc. because money in such situation does not belong to the payer or the payee. Situations may also arise where both the payer and the payee are at fault, then the mistake is mutual. Payments are being effected in many situations without any authority of law and payments have been receiyed by the recipients also without any authority of law. Any amount paid/received without authority of law can always be recovered barring few exceptions of extreme hardships but not as a matter of right, in such situations law implies an obligation on the payee to repay the money, otherwise it would amount to unjust enrichment.
2. Hon’ble Supreme Court also distinguished the cases like Shyam Babu Verma v UOI, 1994 SCR (1) 700, 1994 SCC (2) 52, Syed Abdul Qadir and Ors. v. State of Bihar and Ors,(2009) 3 SCC 475, Sahib Ram v. State of Haryana,1995 Supp (1) SCC 18 etc., where it had not allowed recovery of excess payment in view of the peculiar facts and circumstances of those cases so as to avoid extreme hardship to the concerned employees, for example, where the employees concerned were mostly junior employees, or they had retired or were on verge of retirement, the employees were not at fault, and recovery which was ordered after a gap of many years would have caused extreme hardship.
3. In view of the law declared by Courts and recently reiterated by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the above cited case, Chandi Prasad Uniyal And Ors vs State Of Uttarakhand And Ors, 2012 AIR SCW 4742, (2012) 8 SCC 417, the Ministries/Departments are advised to deal with the issue of wrongful/excess payments as follows:
i. In all cases where the excess payments on account of wrong pay fixation, grant of scale without due approvals, promotions without following the procedure, or in excess of entitlements etc come to notice, immediate corrective action must be taken.
ii. In a case like this where the authorities decide to rectify an incorrect order, a show-cause notice may be issued to the concerned employee informing him of the decision to rectify the order which has resulted in the overpayment, and intention to recover such excess payments. Reasons for the decision should be clearly conveyed to enable the employee to represent against the same. Speaking orders may thereafter be passed after consideration of the representations, if any, made by the employee.
iii. Whenever any excess payment has been made on account of fraud, misrepresentation, collusion, favouritism, negligence or, carelessness, etc., roles of those responsible for over payments in such cases, and the employees who benefitted from such actions should be identified, and departmental/criminal action should be considered in appropriate cases.
iv. Recovery should be made in all cases of overpayment barring few exceptions of extreme hardships. No waiver of recovery may be allowed without the approval of Department of Expenditure.
v. While ordering recovery, all the circumstances of the case should be taken into account. In appropriate cases, the concerned employee may be allowed to refund the money in suitable installments with the approval of Secretary in the Ministry, in consultation with the FA.
vi. Wherever the relevant rules provide for payment of interest on amounts retained by the employee beyond the stipulated period etc as in the case of TA, interest would continue to be recovered from the employee as heretofore.
(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

Regulation of pay of the official after imposition of penalty under CCS (CCA) Rules 1965

No.6/3/2013-Estt (Pay-I)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 6th February, 2014
Subject: Regulation of pay on imposition of a penalty under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965.
The undersigned is directed to say that the following penalties prescribed in the Rule 11 of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, have a bearing on the pay of the officer:
11. Penalties
Minor Penalties –
(iii a) reduction to a lower stage in the time-scale of pay by one stage for a period not exceeding three years, without cumulative effect and not adversely affecting his pension.
(iv) withholding of increments of pay;
Major Penalties –
(v) save as provided for in clause (iii) (a), reduction to a lower stage in the time- scale of pay for a specified period, with further directions as to whether or not the Government servant will earn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on the expiry of such period, the reduction Will or will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pay
(vi) reduction to lower time-scale of pay, grade, post or Service for a period to be specified in the order of penalty, which shall be a bar to the promotion of the Government servant during such specified period to the time-scale of pay, grade, post or Service from which he was reduced, with direction as to whether or not, on promotion on the expiry of the said specified period –
(a) the period of reduction to time-scale of pay, grade, post or service shall operate to postpone future increments of his pay, and if so, to what extent; and
(b) the Government servant shall regain his original seniority in the higher time scale of pay , grade, post or service;
2. Consequent upon implementation of the recommendations of 6 th CPC under the CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 pay scale of a post/grade for below HAG level means the Pay Band and Grade Pay specified for that post. Under the CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 a Pay Band may cover Government servants in more than one Grade Pay or posts in the hierarchy. As per Rule 9 of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, the rate of increment in the revised pay structure is 3% of the sum of the pay in the Pay Band arid Grade Pay applicable, which is to be rounded off to the next multiple of 10. Further, as per Rule 10 of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, there is now a uniform date of increment, that is, lst July of the year.
3. The mode of implementation of these penalties has been clarified to individual Ministries/Departments wherever references have been received. It is now proposed to issue detailed guidelines on the issue. The regulation of pay on imposition of these penalties is in the subsequent pants:
A. Reduction to a lower stage of pay by one stage (Rule 11( iii a)
On imposition of a penalty under this Rule, the pay would be fixed at the next lower stage in the Pay Band. In other words, in case of reduction by one stage, the revised pay would be the pay drawn in the Pay Band at the stage before the last increment. Grade Pay attached to the post would remain unchanged. The pay will be fixed by reversing the mode of allowing increments given in Rule 9 of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2008. The formula would be:-
Reduced Pay In Pay Band = {(Pay in Pay Band+ Grade Pay) x 100/103} less (Grade Pay) (rounded off to next 10)
Pay would be Pay in Pay Band as above + Grade Pay
B. Withholding of increment {Rule 11(iv)}
As the uniform date of increment now is 1st July, on imposition of a penalty of withholding of increment, the increment(s) due on the 1st of July falling after the date of imposition of the penalty would be withheld. In case where penalty of withholding of more than one increment is imposed, increments due on 1st of Juty in the subsequent years would similarly be withheld. The increment would be restored at the end of the period for which the penalty is imposed.
This also applies to cases where the penalty is imposed for part of a year. For instance, if the penalty of withholding of the increment for six months is imposed on a Government servant in April 2013, then the increment falling due on 1.7.2013 will be withheld for a period of six months, that is, till 31.12.2013. The increment would be released w.e.f. 1.1.2014. In this case the next increment falling due on 1.7.2014 will also be allowed.
C. Reduction to a lower stage in the time-scale of pay for a specified periodfRule 11(v)}
The process of imposition of penalty of reduction by one stage under Rule 11(iii a) explained above shall be repeated for every additional stage of reduction by taking the pay arrived at notionally as pay for the second reduction, and so on. Grade Pay shall remain unchanged.
NOTE 1: It is not permissible to impose a penalty under this rule if the pay after imposition of the penalty would fall below the minimum of the Pay Band attached to the post.
NOTE 2: A Pay Band may cover Government servants in different Grade Pays or holding posts at several levels in the hierarchy. It needs to be kept in mind that reduction to lower pay scale or grade is a distinct penalty, under Rule 11(vi).Therefore, while imposing a penalty of reduction to a lower stage in the time-scale of pay under Rule 11(v) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, Disciplinary Authorities should weigh all factors before deciding upon the quantum of penalty, i.e., the number of stages by which the pay is to be reduced.
D. Reduction to lower time-scale of pay under Rule 11(vi)
As a result of imposition of a penalty of reduction to lower time-scale of pay, the pay of the Government servant would be reduced to the stage of pay he /she would have drawn had he/she continued in the lower post for the period of penalty. The mode of fixation of pay in this case is similar to reversing the mode of fixation of pay on promotion. Therefore, both pay in Pay Band and Grade Pay would be reduced.
However, Disciplinary Authority has the power, in terms of FR 28, to indicate the pay which the Government servant on whom a penalty of reduction in rank has been imposed, would draw. The Government servant will be entitled to the Grade Pay of the post to which he has been reduced. Thus, the power of the Disciplinary Authority under FR 28 is limited to indicating the pay in the Pay Band applicable to the lower rank/post.
In some cases imposition of a penalty under Rule 11(vi) may also involve a change in Pay Band. For instance a Government servant holding a post in PB-2 with Grade pay of Rs.4200/- may be reduced to a post in PB-1 with Grade Pay of Rs.2800/-
It may also be noted that a Government servant cannot be reduced in rank to a post not held earlier by him in the cadre. For example, an LDC who qualifies as Assistant as a Direct Recruit and is later promoted as Section Officer cannot be reduced to the rank of LDC but only to that of an Assistant.
4. Some illustrations on pay fixation in above types of cases are annexed.
(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

Elected CHQ Body for 2014-16

Designation & Office
Shri Amrendra Kumar
ASP (Inv.) %CPMG, Bihar Circle, Patna
Vice President-I
Shri Nirmalya Mitra
ASP (HQ) % SSPOs, Kolkata Division, Kolkata-700014
West Bengal
Vice President-II
Shri Krishnaswamy T.M.
ASP (Vig.) %PMG, Calicut
General  Secretary
Shri Vilas S.Ingale
Superintendent (Stg.) Mumbai APSO (Inland) Mumbai 400001
Asst. Gen Secy-I
Shri P. Ajit Kumar
ASP (CP) % DG, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
Postal Directorate
Asst. Gen Secy-II
Shri Sukhtej Singh
ASP, East Sub Division, Sangrur
Asst. Gen Secy-III
Shri Vinod R Shah
ASP, Odhav Sub Division 380024
Asst. Gen Secy-IV
Shri Bibhudatta Behera
Inspector Posts (PG), %SSPOs Bhubaneswar Div, Bhubaneswar-751001
Org. Gen Secy-I
Shri Atma Ram
ASP (BD) % PMG, Rajasthan Southern Region, Ajmer
Org. Gen Secy-II
Shri Manjunath Hubballi
ASP (HQ) % SPOs, Sirsi Division 581402
Org. Gen Secy-III
Shri Y. Venkateswarlu
ASP, Siddipet Sub Div (Medak Div) 502103
Andhra Pradesh
Org. Gen Secy-IV
Shri Sanjay Gupta
ASP, Varanasi Sub Division 221002
Uttar Pradesh
Org. Gen Secy-V
Shri Hira Lal
Manager, SPC, Gurgaon
Shri Yadagiri G. Nyalapelli
ASP (Tour) % SSPOs, Mumbai City East Div Mumbai 400014
Shri T. Padmanabhan
ASP (OD) % SSPOs, Pondicherry Division, Pondicherry
Tamil Nadu
Shri Milan Shukla
ASP East Sub Division Anand
Ă€sst. Auditor-I
Ms K. Kharshandi
ASP Garo Hills, Tura-794001 (Meghalaya)
Asst. Auditor-II
Shri Hardev Sharma
IP (Tech.) %CPMG HP Circle, Shimla
Shri N. K. Soni
ASP (Vig.) %CPMG MP Circle, Bhopal